Digital Smile Design

Kristal Clinic Agency

Digital Smile Design

Digital Smile Design is one of the modern tools that dentists use to predict the final results of a cosmetic dentistry procedure and to make sure that the final results meet the expectations of the patients.

What is a Digital Smile Design?

It is a technique that dentists started using lately to help patients visualize their smiles before having the dental treatment. The tool helps dentists create the perfect smile according to the patient’s wishes, and facial proportions.
Patients can ask for modifications to their virtual smile before the treatment starts which guarantees their satisfaction.
Digital smile design is performed using software that creates the final visualization for the smile using the right and correct input.

The Benefits of Digital Smile Design

How Digital Smile Design is done?

Depending on the type of software the steps of digital smile designs happen according to the following steps:

At this point, dentists usually show some before and after results for cases similar to the patient’s case and take their opinion and final approval before carrying on the actual treatment.

The final visualization of the smile, the shape, and color of teeth as well as the patient’s expectations are sent to the lap to create the perfect match to the patient’s expectation.

We believe in Kristal Clinic Agency that having a digital smile design is necessary for patients who are going to have Hollywood smile treatments because it helps patients get the results they exactly want.

We provide digital smile design options to our patients who live outside Turkey through online consultations, this helps them make well-informed decisions before coming to Istanbul to receive their treatment.

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