Zirconia Implants Price Comparison: Germany vs. Turkey

The eruption of the growing demand for health and aesthetic appearance had a remarkable effect on dentistry by not only originating significant advances in terms of functions and aesthetically satisfying treatments but also ensuring and providing that every patient has access to these treatments.

About this significant development occurring in dentistry, dental implant applications had considerable improvements in clinical application techniques and prosthetic treatment possibilities. Implants, such as strong support elements, enable the application of fixed denture prosthetic restorations instead of removable restorations, which result in significantly improving chewing, phonation, general aesthetics, and quality of life for the patient.

Over the last decade, patients have substantially focused on using esthetically harmonious restorations with their natural teeth, which paved the way for the development of “ceramic dental implants“.

Factors Affecting the Price of Zirconia Implants

 This study aims to compare dental implant prices of Turkey and Germany for the suppliers targeting Turkish, German, and other international markets. Quality and price must be carefully evaluated when implant producers aim to market their implants globally.

In global markets, international suppliers have to determine the leading countries in terms of prices and production in addition to the Raw Material Index (RMI) required for production.

The selected dental implant is a zirconia dental implant that is produced with innovative technology (the power of Spray Drying and Hot Isostatic Pressing) and contains zirconium powder, a zirconium oxide (zirconia compound). Power of Spray Drying has no equivalent technology in the market for powder pressing and zirconia final contouring, while Hot Isostatic Pressing technique increases the material’s workload sturdiness.

With its optimum specifications, zirconia stands out as having very good aesthetic results, and can attach on an improved osseointegration.

2. Factors Affecting the Price of Zirconia Implants: Zirconia implants’ factors and cost-reflecting components that influence the price of Zirconia implants are different. Accordingly, titanium implants and abutments are the main factors influencing component costs. It is submitted that most of the expense of an abutment cost is incorporated into the production of copies of the patient’s condition in zirconia abutment mold, and a small portion of it is included in affixation to the implant. In the purchase of titanium abutment, manufacturing costs in the metal part are more or less efficient at some point.

The majority of the expense of an abutment cost is incorporated into the copy of the patient’s condition and in the affixation of a zirconia abutment on the titanium base. Among these three factors, the most important factors affecting cost are the use of powder with high-quality zirconia and the technique used in the production of zirconia blanks.

The cost of zirconia blanks and the cost of zeroing blanks are almost two times higher and three times lower, respectively, compared to other blanks used in this application. Other components are included in the production process of the abutments, crowns, dental bridges, and matrix tips and their inclusion into the bill of materials consists of a small portion of the cost. On the other hand, the effect of other improvement costs is estimated to be around 10 percent. A patented method to produce blanks preferred for use in surgery and apply osseointegration to the implants is an instrument that can affect processing costs and issues that can be influenced in a limited area.

zirconia implants price

Zirconia Implants Price Comparison: Germany vs. Turkey

Study Authors (2019)Concluded that installed implants must meet criteria for function, biocompatibility, and postoperative maintenance.
Cost ConsiderationsPrice increase for zirconium materials should not undermine patient comfort, health standards, personalized treatments, and life expectancy improvements, including current COVID-19 guidelines.
Performance and MaintenancePrice should reflect actual performance and postoperative maintenance support.
Research Requirements– Zirconium material preference rate
 – Causes of preference
 – Types of materials offered by suppliers/logistics companies
 – Price ranges and selection details
Labor Cost and Business ProfitabilityLabor cost differences for dental technicians affect business profitability, processing difficulty, and time required in digital dental production.
Information Sources– Supplier and logistics companies’ catalogs and price request forms
 – E-mail/phone interviews
 – Website observations
 – Short surveys in the dental sector
Data Handling and Analysis– Data gathered from e-mails, private companies, and official websites
 – Transferred to Python for web scraping, real-time analysis, and updates
Cost ComparisonEvaluation of costs for zirconium implants vs. titanium-based implants in France, Germany, and Turkey

Comparison of Zirconia Implant Prices: Germany vs. Turkey

Dental zirconia implants have been available for a longer time now and have similar or better characteristics to titanium ones. Zirconium is completely resistant to corrosion, just like titanium. However, recent literature has suggested better results concerning gum inflammation around dental zirconia implants. The cost of zirconia is also greater than titanium. Germany is widely recognized as a pioneer country in dental research and a country with high-end equipment and top-quality materials. The same holds for dental implant systems. German companies have developed a variety of dental implant systems. However, the German dental healthcare market is characterized by high costs and the vast majority of Germans do not have adequate dental insurance to cover the costs of dental treatments. On the contrary, Turkey is a pioneer country in medical tourism for dental treatments and has high-quality laboratories, materials, and equipment alongside experienced dentists. Even dentists are being certified as touristic guides in some cities to help tourists with dental treatments in Turkey. The prices of dental treatments are also attractively low in Turkey in comparison to EU countries, even after including travel costs. Due to Germany’s demographic structure and high costs of dentists, pharmacy and insurance, many Germans have started to prefer Turkey over Germany for dental treatments. In addition, Germans are receiving dental treatments such as zirconia implants in Turkey.

zirconia implants price

What factors contribute to the cost of full mouth dental implants in Germany and Turkey?

The cost of full mouth dental implants in both countries is influenced by various factors including the quality of dental materials and technology used, the expertise and experience of the dental team, and the economic conditions of the country.

Why is Turkey considered a cost-effective destination for dental implants?

Turkey is recognized as a cost-effective destination for dental implants due to its strategic approach to dental tourism, which combines high-quality care with more accessible prices. The affordability does not compromise the quality or technological sophistication of dental services,

Can the quality of dental care in Turkey match that of Germany?

Yes, despite the lower costs, the quality of dental care in Turkey can match that of Germany. Both countries maintain high standards, but Turkey's advantage lies in its ability to provide quality care at more affordable prices, largely due to its lower cost of living and operational expenses.

How can patients make an informed decision about where to get full mouth dental implants?

Patients can make an informed decision by researching the reputation of dental clinics, verifying the credentials of the dental team, and considering additional expenses such as travel and accommodation. Consulting with healthcare professionals and reading patient testimonials are also crucial steps.

What are the benefits of consulting with healthcare professionals before deciding on dental implants abroad?

Consulting with healthcare professionals before deciding on dental implants abroad ensures that patients receive personalized advice tailored to their specific health conditions and needs. Professionals can help assess the risks and benefits,


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