Dental Prices | New Teeth Turkey

Introduction to Dental Tourism Dental tourism is the process of traveling abroad to receive dental treatment. Some consider dental care expensive or unavailable.

Those individuals may consider traveling to a country with more affordable dental care as an option. In conjunction with traditional tourism, dental tourists may combine tourism with cosmetic dentistry.

Dental tourism often involves traveling from a less-developed country to an emerging or developing market (Kopmaz et al., 2019). The increase of dental tourism in Turkey is due to an increase in costs of dentistry in the dental tourist’s local state or country.

Long waiting lists in the local area for treatment and issues regarding the dental workforce at home are also considered as contributing factors. All countries attempting to capitalize on the tourism market must consider their positioning and branding.

Treatments may exist in many emerging markets and the competition for dental tourists will only continue to grow. Countries competing for dental tourism must also look for greater quality assurance and guidelines to protect tourists when surgery tourism is on the rise. One such country’s tourism board is “New Teeth Turkey.” New Teeth Turkey is a dental clinic in Turkey, largely marketed online, which caters to dental tourism. Their marketed services include facial aesthetic treatments and “Hollywood smile” makeovers. In alignment with the rise of dental tourism in the early 21st century, New Teeth Turkey was established in 2013.

new teeth turkey cost

Methodology for Data Collection and Analysis

Research Design and Data Collection Process

This study presents the analysis of dental prices in Turkey using the dental package options provided by New Teeth Turkey as a case study. A descriptive analysis is conducted to investigate the changes in dental price options, covering a period between January 2020 and April 2022.

To reveal the average prices of dental services in Turkey and categorize dental packages, three different package options are selected. A comprehensive variable list is determined. The selected dentistry package types and variables are observed regarding the price and the selected package type. The data is gathered by scanning the sources manually and categorized into three different categories. Individual packages are selected from classified data groups, and group data packages are also created. The analyzed data set is categorized into four different groups.

This research methodology focuses on covering dental prices in Turkey. A website is selected for detailed analysis, revealing the dental package options provided by the Turkey Dentistry Packages. However, only the variables provided on the package types are included in this analysis, as there might be other hidden costs not included in the presented prices. Analyzing dental prices more accurately would require either obtaining the individual patient’s tooth condition or requesting the same treatment services from different dental clinics in Turkey. However, such detailed analysis is beyond the scope of this study.

new teeth turkey cost

Comparative Analysis of Dental Prices in Turkey and Other Countries

Study Focus– Comparison of dental prices in Turkey with other countries.
 – Statistical examination of clinical methods and prices by “New Teeth Turkey” Company.
Findings– Dramatic cost differences for the same dental procedures between countries.
 – Contrast in prices and treatment standards within Turkey provides new perspectives.
Factors Influencing Dental Service Usage– Usage of dental services is associated with demographic and socioeconomic factors.
Demographic and Socioeconomic FactorsAmerican Dental Association Findings:
 – Higher probability of using dental services if:
 – Woman
 – Younger
 – Black
 – Higher educational level
 – Higher family income
 – Married
 – Medicaid insurance
 – Pain-driven demand significantly influences current utilization patterns.
Study References– Pekiner et al., 2010
 – Topaloglu-Ak et al., 2009
Suggestions for Patients and Practitioners– The results provide a basis for recommendations on choosing affordable and quality dental services.

Case Studies and Patient Experiences

The first case study presents the experience of Sneha Prakash, a nurse from the UK, who underwent a full mouth restoration with implants and bridge work in Istanbul, Turkey.

Sneha shares her decision-making process, the factors that led her to choose New Teeth Turkey, and the steps involved in her treatment. Throughout her voyage, she emphasizes the price, efficient management, and helpful personnel. Sneha’s story exemplifies the excellent experiences and outcomes connected with dental tourism in Turkey.

The second case study concerns Rebecca, Sneha’s friend who also flew to Turkey for dental implants. Rebecca shares her experience of extensive consideration, research, and the final decision to pursue treatment abroad. The user provides a detailed account of their interaction with New Teeth Turkey, including the communication process, plans for travel and housing, and the dental surgery itself. Rebecca’s narrative highlights the profound and life-altering effects of dentistry tourism on individuals.

The final case study centers around Chris and Mandi, a couple who sought dental treatment in Turkey following unfavorable encounters with NHS dentistry. . They recount their journey from disappointment in the UK dental system to discovering New Teeth Turkey and experiencing life-changing results.

The user provides a detailed account of their interaction with New Teeth Turkey, including the communication process, plans for travel and housing, and the dental surgery itself. Rebecca’s narrative highlights the profound and life-altering effects of dentistry tourism on individuals. The final case study centers around Chris and Mandi, a couple who sought dental treatment in Turkey following unfavorable encounters with NHS dentistry.

How long does it take to get teeth done in Turkey?

Most dental procedures are conveniently designed to be completed within a span of 5 full days, excluding Sundays. During this period, patients have 3 dental appointments. However, the precise duration of your visit may vary depending on the specific treatments planned.

What age do new teeth last?

The average child has 20 deciduous teeth by the age of 3 years. Between the ages of about 6 and 7 years, the deciduous teeth start to exfoliate and the permanent teeth begin to come through. By the age of about 21 years, the average person has 32 permanent teeth including their third molar (wisdom) teeth.

How long do new teeth last?

While they can last between 20 and 30 years, their true lifespan depends on how well you maintain and care for them and how good your oral hygiene routine is. Here at Revitalise, our resident implantologists are on hand to talk you through every stage of your dental implant treatment.

How long do you go without teeth when getting implants?

|If you are planning to get a dental implants after a tooth extraction, you will typically need to wait a minimum of 10 weeks after the tooth extraction before dental implants can be placed. This waiting period allows the mouth to heal after the tooth extraction surgery. Granted, there are always exceptions.

Can teeth be replaced permanently?

Dental implants are one of the most common methods of tooth replacement. Dental implants are a very reliable type of tooth replacement that both looks and feels like a real tooth. Dental implants provide a permanent solution if you need to replace a single tooth, or multiple teeth, in different areas.

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