Ensuring Comfort During Your dental Implant Procedure

Comprehensive Insight into Dental Implant Surgery

Implant-supported dentures, commonly referred to as dental implant dentures, offer denture-wearers enhanced oral function, increased confidence, and an improved quality of life. An individual who is edentulous, indicating the absence of all their natural teeth, has multiple alternatives to consider when selecting a tooth-replacement remedy.

Recent dentistry research has shown that dental implant dentures have demonstrated long-term success and are highly appreciated by patients. This review will provide a description of dental implant dentures based on journal articles, standard textbooks in dentistry, and relevant information discussed in national meetings.

Expert opinions were included to guide a general practitioner when presented with such a question and to direct him toward the most appropriate literature for further consultation. An electronic literature search was conducted through the PubMed search engine.

Keywords included “implant denture” and “dental implant denture.” Further relevant articles were obtained from reference lists of relevant papers. The full text of articles obtained was studied. Only English articles or translated articles were reviewed.

The full spectrum of dental implant denture types is described, from All-on-4 to All-on-6 to zygomatic implants. Additionally, the options available to patients who seek this kind of treatment and surgical timing, as well as the critical clinical findings from the included literature, are discussed in detail. Dental implant dentures, according to the full spectrum, are successfully demonstrated with a high satisfaction rate regarding the patients’ quality of life.

Benefits and Advantages of Dental Implant Dentures

Dental implants; Dentures; Retrospective studies; Prospective studies; Partial denture; Edentulism

Dental Implant Dentures: A Retrospective Analysis of Retention and Function


Here is the introduction.

In front of its excellent capacities regarding the replacement of damaged or missing teeth in patients, the main advantages and benefits of dental implant dentures refer to:

1. Improved masticatory ability: Patients report a considerable improvement, up to 90%, in their masticatory function and oral comfort when using implant-supported dentures compared to those missing teeth or wearing conventional options.

2. Aesthetics: The fantastic results obtained with dental implant dentures have considerable beneficial ramifications on restoring patients’ self-confidence, contributing to improving most of the sufferings’ overall quality of life.

3. Oral health: It demonstrates easy and quick access to areas commonly missed during manual archaeology. Dental implant dentures contribute to patients’ better oral health, reducing the risk of gum-related disorders such as decay and periodontal disease. This influence in maintaining and preserving oral well-being is increased with dental implants’ ability to slow bone resorption and encourage the development of the adjacent craniofacial structures.

4. Longevity: Dental implant prostheses are incredibly long-lasting, with the vast majority of dental reintegration lasting as long as or longer in useful patients. When compared to other sorts of dental appliances, dental implant dentures have a considerably higher long-term acceptance rate in the jaw.

Comparative Analysis: Implant Dentures vs. Traditional Dentures

Dentures have long been considered a comprehensive form of dental care, and they have been used to replace lost teeth. Implant-supported dentures, which use dental implants for support, can offer more steady and efficient outcomes than conventional dentures in the true meaning of the word.

Supporting the oral health of people and ensuring basic oral function is a vital task of the dental profession. In this section, we will attempt to understand both clinical and radiographic studies in the setting of denture stability.

In the history of medicine, losing teeth has long been considered a normal part of everyday life among non-industrialized people.

Despite modern advances such as dental implants that require surgery and a long-term period of healing, full tooth replacement with complete dental prostheses (dentures) remains popular. After ancient Egyptians used gold wire to retain tooth replacement, archaeologists have found evidence of denture use dating back more than 2500 years. A subject of great material interest in many scientific areas, the use of dental prosthetics has been reported to significantly

improve the oral health-related quality of life regardless of their retention method. Considerable discussion of denture effectiveness from the patient’s point of view has emerged in the literature, in terms of denture maintenance, comfort, and chewing efficiency.

With few exceptions, patients primarily tended to prefer implant dentures to traditional dentures. While some authors have proposed guidelines for patients to assess their use or attitudes, individual patients’ views and evaluations remain inconsistent and lacking due to the variety of denture user views currently available in the scientific literature.

Long-Term Success and Patient Satisfaction with Dental Implant Dentures

Study/AspectKey Findings
Treatment TypeDental implant dentures are the treatment of choice for complete edentulism, offering reliable long-term outcomes and predictable results.
Stability Over TimePatients remained stable on a daily basis until the fourth year of treatment, with limited biological complications.
“All-on-Four” Concept (4-year follow-up of 127 patients)– Cumulative survival rate: 96.83% for dental implants.
– Success rate: 97.44% for prosthetic devices.
Retrospective Study (3-9 years, 54 patients, 160 implants)– Implant survival rate: 98.75%.
– Implant success rate: 96.88%.
– No reports of advanced marginal bone loss, persistent infection, fracture, or neurological damage.
Multicenter Prospective Study (689 participants, 1183 SOU, 238 ZOU)– SOU cumulative implant success rate: 97.7%.
– ZOU cumulative implant success rate: 94.1%.
5-year Observational Study– Success rate: 93.7% of patients.
Patient Satisfaction (Survey of 122 patients)– Increased satisfaction in masticatory comfort, self-support, retention, and stability when moving from the control group to the prosthetic group to the dental implant group.
– Significant differences in comfort and stability were observed.
Quality of Life (67 participants, OHIP-G14 questionnaire)– High rates of patient satisfaction at 6 weeks, 1 year, and 3 years.
– OHIP-G14 scores: 15.0 at 6 weeks, 15.8 at 1 year, and 15.3 at 3 years.
– Long-term success and patient satisfaction confirmed
dental implant cost for All-on-4

Conclusion and Future Implications

Dental implant dentures have been demonstrated to be a durable and effective treatment option for patients in need of denture stabilization. Approximately 60% of patients were fully satisfied with their implant dentures, with the only reported downsides being financial. Studies have shown that under different retention conditions, the addition of dental implants can decrease or upturn the amount of load placed on the peri-implant tissue. Implants also increased the support available for the denture by tenfold, and overlapping retention conditions resulted in a further decrease in the pressure exerted under the denture in comparison to only two-retentive options. Essentially, with the additional support from dental implants and larger occlusal contact area, it also delayed the onset of alveolar bone tissue trauma. In a nutshell, complete denture-wearing patients with short, residual mandibular alveolar ridges are the best indications to receive 2 or 4 endosseous dental implants.

Finally, complete denture wearers with lower ridges have high esthetic and functional expectations. There is still much debate when it comes to loading of dental implants, due to many factors such as bone quality, quantity, and patient compliance. More patient-friendly protocols and further research to continue to improve and perfect the usage of dental implants are required in long-term solutions. Furthermore, the influence of novel materials with regards to prosthesis on stability and stress factors needs to be explored in the future. Do esthetics, and subsequently, the level of patient satisfaction, also play a role when it comes to stability and retention? And if so, what is the most patient-focused solution? All points to consider and focus on over the coming years.

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OI Tunaru, C Bida, DI Virvescu, R Vasluianu… – … of Medical and Dental …, 2024 – journal.adre.ro. INDICATORS OF SUCCESS FOR TRADITIONAL COMPLETE DENTURE TREATMENT. adre.ro


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