Dental Implants In Antalya: Prices, Packages, Procedure


In a world where both dentists and dental tourists seek cutting-edge technologies, dental implant treatment, as a very straightforward solution, occupies a central role in the modern era of dentistry. In Turkey, antedating the Imperial College’s revolutionary research and keys concerning dental implants by at least nine centuries, the first Dental Nobel prize winner, Dr. Îsmail Hakkı Ünâl, performed the first implant on a Turkish patient in the year 1963. Since then, dental implant therapy has continued to grow steadily in the first degree, with Istanbul and Izmir harboring the greatest compartments, followed by the rest of the country.

The metropolis Istanbul stands out among all others as the city that offers solutions for the most complicated dental cases, along with having dental clinics that are also very active in the exportation of dental equipment and services. In Istanbul, despite adding a new one to the evident experience turbins, competition exists in all forms of specialties, including the dental implantology field. Only a few hours away from Istanbul is Antalya, a touristic paradise on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, that yet sits at a remote distance from the knowledge limits of Turkey. In this comparative review of dental implants in Antalya and Istanbul, our goal is to shed light on the prices, advantages, and disadvantages, and to give an idea of the financial burden to the patient who desires to be implanted with the same prosthetic implant in Antalya and Istanbul.

dental implants turkey antalya price

Dental Tourism in Turkey: Unveiling the Advantages 

  • Overview of Dental Tourism:

    • Key component of medical tourism.
    • Involves traveling to other countries for dental treatment and care.
    • Offers easier and sometimes more affordable access to dental services compared to the country of origin.
  • Role of Facilitators:

    • Coordinate travel, accommodation, and treatment options.
    • Simplify the process for patients by bundling services together.
  • Characteristics of Turkey’s Dental Tourism Market:

    • Low cost of dental services.
    • Affordable travel and tourism segments.
    • Increasing popularity as a top destination for dental tourism.
  • Benefits for Foreign Patients:

    • Cheaper dental services compared to their home country.
    • Affordable travel costs.
    • Diverse tourist attractions and activities to enjoy during their stay.
  • Partnerships with Travel Agencies:

    • Dental clinics partner with travel agencies, hotels, and other facilities.
    • Offer various packages including treatment, transportation, and lodging.
  • Popularity Among Different Regions:

    • Attracts patients from developed western countries and neighboring poorer countries.
    • Offers advantages and benefits to both groups.
  • Growing Popularity:

    • Turkey has become well-known for dental tourism in the last decade.
    • More individuals are traveling to Turkey for dental treatments.

Antalya vs. Istanbul: Implant Advantages in Each City 

  • AspectAntalyaIstanbul
    Hospital CarePrestigious hospitals availableNumerous high-quality hospitals and dental clinics
    Quality of Dental ClinicsHigh-quality facilities linked to hospital standardsAdvanced dental clinic facilities with state-of-the-art technology
    Experienced DentistsExperienced and educated dentistsLarge pool of highly qualified and experienced dentists
    Medical EquipmentUp-to-date medical procedures with sophisticated equipmentCutting-edge technology and equipment used in dental procedures
    Types of ProceduresCapable of performing complex procedures
    Wide range of dental procedures including advanced implant surgeries
    Tourism and LeisureTouristic city with beaches, ancient sites, and family-friendly resorts
    Rich cultural heritage with numerous historical sites and vibrant city life
    Patient SatisfactionHigh satisfaction rates in dental treatment centersHigh patient satisfaction due to top-notch dental care and services
    Cost-EffectivenessOffers cost-effective treatments in prestigious hotels and holiday villagesCompetitive pricing for high-quality dental care services

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Antalya vs. Istanbul: Implant Advantages in Each City 

Benefits of Getting Dental Implants from Turkey

Economic Benefits for Turkey

  • Increased dental tourism: Boosts the economy through foreign patient spending.
  • Job creation: Expansion of the dental tourism industry leads to new job opportunities.
  • Foreign currency inflow: Dental treatments generate significant foreign currency revenue.
Benefits for Patients
  • Affordability: Lower costs compared to many other countries.
  • Quality care: Advanced technology and skilled dentists.
  • Potential for combined vacation: Opportunity to enjoy Turkish tourism while undergoing treatment.
Other Benefits
  • Reduced waiting times: Shorter waiting periods for treatment compared to some countries.
  • Stimulates domestic dental industry: Increased demand drives improvements in the local dental sector.
  • Positive country image: Successful dental tourism enhances Turkey’s reputation as a healthcare destination.
dental implants turkey antalya price

Finding the Best Dental Clinic in Turkey

First and foremost, you have to ensure that the dental clinic specializes in dental implants; this is quite important for better results. Once you are satisfied with the clinic and it meets all your requirements and concerns, then you can discuss the cost of dental implants in Turkey with the doctor.

The second factor to consider is the experience of the doctors. If you are opting for dental implants, make sure the experience in implant dentistry is at the highest level. You can even talk to patients of the clinic you’re opting for, to ensure testimonials and learn from others’ experiences on dental treatment in Turkey. It is quite important to confirm different elements before selecting a cheap dental implants clinic in Turkey. This is like a quality reflection, and quality does have a remarkable result. Therefore, these are some of the important guidelines to be followed when purchasing dental treatment or dental implants.

dental implants turkey antalya price

A Step-by-Step Guide to the Dental Implant Procedure

 it is important to remember that the whole implant story starts when a tooth is lost.

Dental implants are not applicable to children because pediatric skeletal growth is not completed yet (acute gonadal hormonal, pregnancy, lactation, at least within the diabetes of the patient, the successful routine oral and maxillofacial area routine hygiene follow-up is a prerequisite for long-term implant health).

When making a diagnosis and determining the treatment plan, the patient must be questioned about the general medical history.

Supporting tissues (remaining bone and soft tissues, anatomical features: sinus, nasolabial sulcus, nasolabial axis, lip contour, the angle of the zygomatic bone, distance from the tooth to the lip, the implant site crown for bridge use) and the teeth in the opposite jaw of the edentulous region should be evaluated.

Current molecular possibilities use the patient’s genetic tissue, and the expression of specific growth factors required for bone regeneration has been revealed to accelerate and increase osteogenesis with mesenchymal stem cells. Regarding location and number, the information should be passed through radiological imaging methods (tomography is preferable in all patients, the worst problem is the mandibular, maxillary buccal cortex break or perforation, which is difficult to detect radiologically).

Dental X-rays or panoramic films to be taken inside the mouth can be used to facilitate radiological imaging. It may still be possible to perform dental implants on radiologically non-evaluated patients. After diagnosis and planning have been completed, relevant clinical information may be included in a flowchart for routine dental implant research (Table 2).

Before entering the operation, the patient should be informed about the treatment in detail. The consent form is available for examination by the patient or his/her representative.

How long do you have to stay in Turkey for teeth implants?

Regarding specific treatments: Cosmetic Procedures (Veneers, Crowns, Bridges): These treatments are completed within the 5-day window. Dental Implants (without temporary teeth): This specific treatment can be completed in just 2 full days for its first stage.

How long do you stay in Turkey for dental implants?

Dental Implant treatment in Turkey can take from 3 months to 1 year. This time varies for each patient and the only way to plan your visits to Turkey is to get in touch with your dentist in Turkey.

Can a tooth implant be done in a day?

In most cases, the implants and temporary bridge are fitted in one day – hence the name of the treatment. There are rare occasions when treatment can't be completed in a day, as sometimes bone loss in the jaw means implants can't be supported straight away.

Why is it so cheap to get your teeth done in Turkey?

The main reason dental care in Turkey is cheap is that the overall operation costs, including laboratory costs and dentist fees, are lower compared to places like the UK or the US.


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